Ucapan Idul Fitri Bahasa Inggris yang Bisa Kamu Kirimkan ke Kerabat

May 21, 2020

Walaupun Idul Fitri tahun ini tidak bisa saling mengunjungi, namun silaturahmi tidak boleh putus. Banyak cara untuk menjaga tali silaturahmi seperti mengirimkan hampers, video call, mengirimkan bunga, bahkan hanya sekadar ucapan Idul Fitri. Budaya mengirimkan surat mungkin sudah mulai  hilang di era modern ini, namun kamu masih bisa mengirimkannya lewat media digital, lho!

Media seperti email, messenger, bahkan sosial media bisa kamu manfaatkan dalam momen ini. Lalu, bagaimana merangkai kata ucapan yang baik? Yuk baca insiprasi ucapan Idul Fitri dalam Bahasa Inggris di bawah ini!

Ucapan Idul Fitri dalam Bahasa Inggris

Mengucapkan Idul Fitri bisa disampaikan lewat bahasa apapun. Salah satu contohnya dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

  •  The time has come for every soul to purify the heart, for every person to begin a new life, and for us let all mistakes be forgiven and forgotten. Amen. Happy Eid Mubarak!
  • May the magic of this Eid bring lots of happiness in your life, may you celebrate it with all your close friends, and may it fill your heart with wonders.
  • The most noble person is one who forgives the mistakes of others. On this glorious day, I apologize for any wrongdoings. Eid Mubarak!
  • Wishing that this Eid,,Allah blesses you all with lots of happiness, success, and peace.
  • May Allah bless you immensely! Happy Eid Mubarak!
  • May Allah bless your days with happiness, your weeks with prosperity, your months with contentment, and your years with love and peace.

Baca juga: Kegiatan Lebaran yang Bisa Kamu Lakukan Selama #DiRumahAja

  • Sending you best wishes on Eid and wishing that it brings you joy and blessings.
  • It’s more than a wish, more than a message too, for it comes with warm and loving thoughts because it’s meant for you. Happy Eid!
  • May Allah flood your life with happiness, your heart with love, your mind with wisdom. Wishing you a very Happy Eid!
  • Happy Eid Mubarak. Let’s forget our mistake in the past with all the forgiveness and may God gives us abundantly of happiness and prosperity ahead.
  • Happy Idul Fitri. Wishing you an Eid that brings you a lot of cheerfulness, happiness, and affluence.
  • Sorry for all of my bad manners. Happy Eid el-Fitr for you. I hope we can get the best inspiration from the Ramadhan.
  • Eid Mubarak. May the guidance and blessing of Allah be with you and your family.
  • A time for joy, a time for togetherness, a time to remember the blessings. May Allah bless you.
  • May Allah bless you in all your Endeavors, and lead you to the path of continued success and prosperity.
  • May every blossom in the garden of life brighten our Eid with joy and fill our days with the sweet fragrance of happiness. Eid Mubarak, everyone!

Baca juga: Mengapa Produktifitas Penting Saat Bulan Puasa? Berikut Tipsnya.

  • Eid Mubarak. May your home and heart be filled with the joyful spirit of Eid.
  • May God give you the happiness of heaven above. Happy Eid Mubarak to you all.
  • In every shared smile and laughter, in every silent prayer answered, in every opportunity that comes your way. May Allah bless you greatly.
  • Walk humbly, talk politely, dress neatly, treat kindly, pray attentively, donate generously. May Allah bless and protect you
  • With all the love, blessings, and peace on this joyous day, happy Eid el-Fitr!

Baca juga: Tips Buka Puasa yang Sehat Selama Masa Pandemi

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