Tes Bahasa Inggrismu
Cari tahu bagaimana kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu melalui uji gratis di sini.
Step 1 of 6
1. This month’s import quota is really difficult to …
figure to
figure in
figure out
figure up
2. If the state didn’t open up the market, we … a monopoly.
would have
had had
would had
3. The company … in computers
planned a large investigation
has planned a large investment
a large involvement
has a large invitation
4. I would like to speak to John, but I can’t …
get by
get through
get to
get off
5. Even though the President made the comments …, it still appeared as a headline in the New York Times.
off the record
off the beat
off the scale
off the cuff
6. JBO … by OBJ yesterday.
taken over
were taken over
were took over
has been taken over
7. By this time tomorrow, the team leader … on the project budget for 24 hours.
will be working
will have working
will have been working
will have been worked
8. I … the job, if the perks hadn’t been so great.
wouldn't have taken
wouldn't had taken
wouldn't have took
wouldn't had took
9. The Director of Finance remembers … the report for the fiscal year 2004/2005, but is not sure of the date.
to print
to printing
10. The manager considered the ... of adopting a flexible work schedule for the team.
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